A Guide to Infant Etiquette

We get it, all babies are cute. You can’t help but want to hold them, cuddle them, and make funny noises at them. We can’t help ourselves either but it’s important to partake in newborn etiquette, which is to abide by a set of rules that are meant to keep a baby safe. As adults, […]

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Infant CPR: What You Need to Know

It’s the scenario no parent wants to picture: your infant starts choking. And unfortunately with babies, the instinct is to jam everything into their mouths. The downside? They aren’t born knowing how to eat so chewing and swallowing takes time to learn. This means that instinctively a baby doesn’t know how to avoid the hazard […]

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First Aid for Infants and Toddlers

Boo boo’s are the worst.  Pretty sure both you and Bitsy can agree!  But what happens if your little one experiences more than a scrape or bruise?  As a mom, you always want to be prepared in case an emergency scenario arises, and being able to perform relatively first aid can help you feel a […]

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