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Benefits of Reading with Bitsy

Babies’ minds easily absorb information from the world around them, whether it be from observing their surroundings or verbal interactions. With their minds at such a malleable state, it’s important to expose them to new experiences so they can learn and grow! Reading to your babies at a young age can be a great influence on their development. Children’s books are an easy way to introduce new information to your baby and expand their vocabulary! It can also help your child gain confidence in themselves and how they interpret the world around them!

When you read to your little ones as babies and toddlers you not only help them learn, but also help them develop their imaginations! As a child starts to understand the words in their stories, their minds begin to imagine the characters. It’s a fun and exciting experience for children to use their imaginations in such a creative way! Reading also helps to improves your babies communication skills. As your little ones get older and start to talk, frequent reading will help them speak more fluently. As they say, practice makes perfect!

However, reading can also be fun for mama too–a fun book is the perfect way to unwind with baby after a long day. There are such a wide variety of books that you can have a thrilling new adventure every night! Bump Boxes is excited to offer a small selection of children’s books to help you get a start on your collection! It’s never too early to start a bookshelf for you and baby, let the adventures begin!

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