Safety Checkup: Preparing Kids for Outdoors
Now that the summertime months are here, new moms tend to be extra protective of children when they’re playing outdoors. Protecting your children will always be a top priority for moms no matter if your kids are babies or toddlers. Kids will be itching to go outdoors a whole lot more now than during those cold winter months so preparing them for safe outdoor play is imperative. Here’s your spring safety checkup, a guide to preparing kids for the outdoors.
Safe Outdoor Activities for Kids
When it comes to being safe outdoors parents need to be ready for a whole lot of adventures and obstacles your kids will go through. Some things you want to watch for when it comes to outdoor safety for kids is:
1) Playing sports
2) Bike riding
3) Hiking adventures
4) Outdoor play at a park
5) Swimming in or being by the water
6) Worrying about protection against sunburn
These are just a few things to watch out for but primarily when it comes to outdoor safety for kids, it is important to be prepared, be patient, and be understanding. You’ll want to monitor your kids to make sure the above activities go smoothly and free of injury. Here are a few tips to protect your kids in the spring and summer months:
- Make sure your child is wearing the proper clothing and proper footwear while outdoors.
- If your child will be bike riding, skateboarding, or rollerblading be sure they are wearing the correct required outdoor gear such as helmets, knee and elbow pads.
- Check the area your kids are playing in is free of trash and debris.
- Make sure you check for hidden dangers.
- Make sure the area is always well-lit.
- Depending on their age, supervision is can be crucial. Never leave under-aged children unsupervised for any reason.
Keeping children protected from the sun
Children love playing outdoors, and protecting their skin against harmful UV rays is very important. Always use sunscreen protector with SPF because without SPF, you run the risk of your child developing a sunburn or worse if their skin gets too much exposure from the sun. Use the protector with SPF every day if going outdoors and reapply liberally if your kids will be outdoors for long, extended periods of time or in a pool where water can wash off sunscreen.
As long as you monitor and prepare for the adventures of the spring and summer months with your children, safety is a non-issue. Keep in mind they are little adventurers and they will get some scrapes, bumps, and bruises but ultimately by following some basic guidelines remaining safe this summer should be a breeze.