5 Breast Pumping Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

Breast pumping can be an incredible thing for Moms (YAY for help so you can nap, shower, sip your warm beverage without heating it up…again). Did you know a lot of Moms out there favor breast pumping over breastfeeding? If you’re searching for ways to make your breast pumping efforts go off without a hitch, there […]

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How to Get the Proper Breastfeeding Latch

Believe it or not, newborns are born instinctively knowing how to breastfeed. They know how to find your breast and can latch on usually with little to no assistance. Latch on, you say? The latch is the most important part of breastfeeding. It’s when your baby positions his mouth just right, “latches on” to the […]

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