What You Really Need to Know About RSV

As a parent, there is no worse feeling than when your baby is sick. Newborns and infants carry the worst risk since it takes awhile for their immune systems to be fully developed and able to fight off a virus. Respiratory syncytial virus, commonly known as RSV, is a highly contagious virus that affects the […]

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4 Signs Your Baby is Going Through a Growth Spurt

File this under things they don’t tell you at the hospital: your newborn will grow like crazy in the first 12 months! In fact, she will grow more during the first year than she will ever grow in her whole life. Michelle Lampl, a doctor and growth researcher at Emory University in Atlanta told Today’s […]

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12 Baby Care Hacks for First-Time Moms

All those in favor of having an owner’s manual for babies, raise your hand. Since pretty much every new mom has thought this at least once, we thought it would be helpful to share tips, secrets and baby care hacks to elevate you to pro status in no time at all. If you’re looking for […]

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10 Must-Have First Year Baby Products

As a first-time parent you know that having a baby can be overwhelming in itself. But then you add on the thousands of baby products that are on the market and it can be challenging to know what’s needed and what isn’t. There are some baby gadgets designed to solve some of the more difficult […]

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Teething Tips & Tricks

Teething– that stage every parent (and little one!) comes to dread.  When those sharp little baby teeth start to poke their way through Bitsy’s soft gums, a lot of pain and fussing can ensue!  Even though it can be hard on a mama to have a constantly fussy baby, it can be seriously hard work […]

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