7 Habits That Raise Responsible Kids

At the heart of any parent’s goal is the desire to raise responsible kids. It has a ripple effect of creating a world where everyone makes a positive impact on the world in which they live. So is there a trick to raising kids to be more responsible? Responsibility starts by showing kids how joyful […]

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Time-ins are the New Toddler Discipline

Toddlers can be a handful. And although most weird toddler behaviors are actually quite normal, it can be hard to keep that perspective when she’s acting out and behaving like a terror. Before you put her in a time-out, there’s a new method that can be more effective. It’s called a “time-in” and it’s changing […]

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10 Best Potty Training Tips

Parenting truth: there is no one-trick-fits-all solution for really anything. This is especially true when it comes to potty training tips. While there is one universal truth with potty training: it isn’t fast and it isn’t smooth, generally speaking, parents find their own groove. Whether it’s scheduling a diaper-free booty camp, using song and dance, […]

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7 Weird Toddler Behaviors That are Totally Normal

If you’re a mom to a toddler, then you know that at any moment he could behave in a way that leaves you scratching your head at the absurdness. ‘Wow, that’s…weird,’ you’re thinking. Picking his nose, banging his head against a wall or exploring private parts in public, can any mom relate? And as any […]

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Dealing with a Toddler that Wants Carried 24/7

“Up, Mommy, up!”  Do you seem to be hearing this more than normal?  Or even constantly?  When your toddler is acting like a Stage 5 Clinger, it can be hard to get anything done!  Especially when you also sort of love that they want you 24/7….but when you need some you-time, it can be frustrating. […]

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