Teaching Toddlers How to Share

That’s mine! Ahh…the lovely and dreaded toddler independence stages. If your little one is having a hard time parting with anything and declaring every item (living and not) is his, he’s due for a lesson in sharing. Not that this particular lesson is easy. Toddlers do many weird things and throw temper tantrums on the […]

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7 Habits That Raise Responsible Kids

At the heart of any parent’s goal is the desire to raise responsible kids. It has a ripple effect of creating a world where everyone makes a positive impact on the world in which they live. So is there a trick to raising kids to be more responsible? Responsibility starts by showing kids how joyful […]

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Time-ins are the New Toddler Discipline

Toddlers can be a handful. And although most weird toddler behaviors are actually quite normal, it can be hard to keep that perspective when she’s acting out and behaving like a terror. Before you put her in a time-out, there’s a new method that can be more effective. It’s called a “time-in” and it’s changing […]

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10 Best Potty Training Tips

Parenting truth: there is no one-trick-fits-all solution for really anything. This is especially true when it comes to potty training tips. While there is one universal truth with potty training: it isn’t fast and it isn’t smooth, generally speaking, parents find their own groove. Whether it’s scheduling a diaper-free booty camp, using song and dance, […]

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10 Reasons Your Toddler’s Temper Tantrums Are a Good Thing

You’re in the middle of the grocery store when you get the feeling. ‘This cannot be happening. She is not going to do this in public,’ you think. And right before your very eyes, your toddler throws herself onto the concrete floor and proceeds to stomp and kick her feet, piercing screams blowing out eardrums […]

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Handling a Toddler in the NO! Phase

Many mamas are fully prepared for the “Why?” phase from their toddlers — where everything is in question, and answers are met with more questions.  But are you ready for the “NO!” phase? No, they won’t come sit next to you. No, they will not eat that.  No, they will not say “please”.  You get […]

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