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Infant CPR: What You Need to Know

Infant CPR: What You Need to Know

It’s the scenario no parent wants to picture: your infant starts choking. And unfortunately with babies, the instinct is to jam everything into their mouths. The downside? They aren’t born knowing how to eat so chewing and swallowing takes time to learn. This means that instinctively a baby doesn’t know how to avoid the hazard of choking. There are many things you aren’t prepared for with motherhood and this is one of them. If the worst-case scenario were to ever happen, you need to know what to do. Here’s how to prevent your baby from choking, and how to perform infant CPR in the event your baby needs saving.


Common Baby Choking Hazards

In the early stages of your baby’s life, from birth to about four months, the only hazards for choking involve things that you are giving him. This includes breast milk or baby food; saliva and mucus can also be problematic. If you notice your baby choking on a liquid, grab a bulb syringe and suck out the liquid to free his airways. In most cases, that should do the trick.  

When babies start crawling, all bets are off. An unfortunate truth about babies is that they learn about their environment by, you guessed it, their mouths. It’s not uncommon for babies to stick anything and everything in their mouths, including toys, buttons, chunks of foods, coins, rocks, etc. And these items are the perfect size for blocking the airways. Another choking hazard for babies is putting too much food in their mouths. They aren’t yet aware of the dangers of having too much to swallow at once and it’s so common for them to cram their little mouths full of everything they can get their hands on. Then you have the dangerous scenario of not being able to swallow and choking as a result.

What You Should Do If Your Baby Starts Choking

If you haven’t already, schedule a class on baby choking and infant CPR. All logical thinking goes out the window when you’re faced with a crisis. And if you’ve never done CPR on an infant, it would be very difficult to learn while you’re talking to a 911 dispatcher. The American Red Cross has options for in-person training and online classes based off your zip code.

Here’s what to do if your baby starts choking:

How to Perform CPR on an Infant

If your previous efforts have been unsuccessful or you’re positive the baby is unconscious, you’ll need to perform CPR. Follow these steps to perform infant CPR:

It goes without saying that everyone who cares for your baby should know how to perform infant CPR. The American Red Cross has a First Aid app that gives step-by-step instructions for performing back blows, chest thrusts and infant CPR in case of any emergency where you need to perform life-saving measures.  

How to Prevent Babies from Choking

The ideal solution is to prevent choking from happening in the first place. And luckily, in almost all cases choking for babies is preventable. Keep all small toys as well as tiny household items out of your baby’s reach. This includes marbles, deflated balloons, bouncy balls, button batteries, market caps and loose change. Abide by this rule of thumb: if it can fit through a toilet paper tube, it’s possible for a baby to choke on it. In addition, to prevent instances of choking during eating always keep baby’s food cut into pea-sized bites so he can swallow safely. Supervise eating at all times and refrain from feeding him solids until around 4 to 6 months. And avoid high-risk foods such as hot dogs, nuts, hard veggies, seeds, popcorn and grapes. Here’s a helpful guide: does the food require molars? If so, it’s too tough for your baby to eat. Soft foods like grapes and hot dogs can be given to your baby as long as the pieces are cut into the aforementioned pea size maximum.

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