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First Aid for Infants and Toddlers

Boo boo’s are the worst.  Pretty sure both you and Bitsy can agree!  But what happens if your little one experiences more than a scrape or bruise?  As a mom, you always want to be prepared in case an emergency scenario arises, and being able to perform relatively first aid can help you feel a lot more in control of the situation!  We always hope that the worst case scenario never occurs, but here’s what you can do if and when it does.

Build a First Aid Kit

Having a first aid kit on hand can prevent a lot of pain, trouble, and even the occasional emergency room trip!  Make sure you keep the kit well stocked at all times, and in an easily accessible place. We suggest keeping one at home, one in the car, and if you travel often, a travel sized one in your suitcase or overnight bag!  

Want to build your own?  Grab a good sized box or container — we prefer the snap-top ones that are relatively flat.  This makes them easy to slide in a cabinet, bag, or trunk. Consider slapping a first aid sticker on it to prevent any confusion in case someone else needs to grab it!  Here’s what you need inside for the ultimate first aid kit for Bitsy:




Know These First Aid Skills

Every parent should have a basic knowledge of first aid for their infant and toddler — it will save you and Bitsy from a lot of scary situations!  Here are a few to have in your arsenal:

Abdominal thrusts.  You may know this one better as the Heimlich Maneuver.  But however you may know it by, it’s important to know if Bitsy ever happens to choke.  You can watch a how-to here.  

CPR and infant CPR.  CPR techniques are different for tiny humans — make sure you know CPR not only for an adult, but also a small child, and an infant.  You can find classes at the Red Cross and get certified.  There may come a day where you’ll be very glad you did.

Taking care of a wound.  This may seem like a simple technique, but making sure a wound is well cleaned and bandaged will do wonders in staving off infection!  Your pediatrician or healthcare provider can help teach you the best way to handle this.

Treating a burn.  Knowing the difference between severity of burns and how to treat each and when to seek out medical assistance is imperative when little ones start exploring!  You can read some tips on how to address them here.  

Stopping severe bleeding.  Mayo Clinic offers some information on handling severe bleeding here.  It’s important to know how to triage your Bitsy before heading to the hospital.  

When to call 911.  This is the most important skill you can have, and one you should always discuss with your healthcare provider.  They’ll be able to give you symptoms, warning signs, and general benchmarks of when it’s time to call for help instead of taking matters into your hands.


We know it’s a scary topic, Mama, but it’s so necessary when it comes to taking care of your infant or toddler!  Plus, knowing some general first aid can make those moments a lot less scary for both of you! Be prepared, Mama, you’ve got this!

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