Keeping Your Baby Monitor Safe from Hacking

The goal of a baby monitor is for parents to listen and hear the sounds of their baby when they aren’t in the same room. At its core, a baby monitor is intended to prevent harm to your baby. But did you know that many of these monitors can be hacked? Not every baby monitor […]

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A Guide to Infant Etiquette

We get it, all babies are cute. You can’t help but want to hold them, cuddle them, and make funny noises at them. We can’t help ourselves either but it’s important to partake in newborn etiquette, which is to abide by a set of rules that are meant to keep a baby safe. As adults, […]

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Reasons Your Child Isn’t Sleeping

Is your wee child not sleeping? Being a parent can be amazing. It can also be pretty frustrating at times. If your little one just isn’t sleeping through the night, you may be doing something wrong. If you have an issue with a child not sleeping or you’re going through the dreaded 4-month sleep regression, […]

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Is a Pacifier Good for Baby? Pros and Cons of Binky Use

For most parents, a pacifier ranks right up there with diaper wipes as a must-have item for baby. Since suckling has a soothing, calming effect, babies are often born already knowing how to suck their fingers or thumbs. And since comforting your baby is one of your top priorities, it’s a given that a pacifier […]

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10 Must-Have First Year Baby Products

As a first-time parent you know that having a baby can be overwhelming in itself. But then you add on the thousands of baby products that are on the market and it can be challenging to know what’s needed and what isn’t. There are some baby gadgets designed to solve some of the more difficult […]

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Co-sleeping: What You Need to Know

Co-sleeping.  That hot button topic that parents either love or hate, with very little in-between.  In case you’re new to the parenting game, and haven’t heard about it yet, co-sleeping is simply when Baby sleeps close to you at night.  As with most parenting practices, it comes with its own set of pros and cons, […]

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